Saturday, 22 December 2012

A different brick, spinning and how-not-to-show-up-to-a-brick-session

Weekend Brick (Saturday Session)
Woke up nice and early with the moderately cool weather making me smile. Not too cold, not too hot. Perfect for bricks! Instead of doing our normal routine which consists of cycling, doing drills then for the running part of the brick we instead paired up with partners of similar ability+height and did some interval style cycling and running.

We did 1 km bike, 1 km run on and off each with flying mounts and dismounts in between the runs and bike for additional practice. Of course we did this in trainers instead of cycling shoes. Total overall distance: 20K.
Here's my GarminConnect link for this session.

Assistant Coaching and Spinning
Every Saturday my club has 3 brick sessions with the earliest session for fastest/most technical proficient  members and so forth for the afternoon and evening. I do my main training in the morning session and do light spinning of gradually lowering intensities for the remaining 2 sessions of the day. I get some "service hours" required for school as well as gathering some mileage as an endurance base building for the future.


  1. Don't "forget" your running shoes when you know its a brick session.
  2. Be careful even on cycling trails cause you're not the only one around.
One of my friends "forgot" his shoes...and since he lived 5 minutes away he got sent back to get his shoes. Well this is where things rolled downhill. On his way rushing back since he was late, another cyclist suddenly came out of an intersection in front of him forcing him to grab his brakes, crash into the ground, got minor road rash and the impact blew his front tire. OK, no biggie. We swap his front wheel to another wheel for temporarily just for this session. After riding for around 1.5k, his dropout on his rear derailleur fractured and twisted the RD causing a shifting failure. That interrupted my group because we where ahead by quite some distance and we had to double back to make sure his group was ok. Luckily the dropout was replaceable and the one and only distributor/retailer in Hong Kong for Argon18 frames had some in stock.
Unfortunately his RD was too bent to be fixed (at the cogs). The LBS in which we had quite a good relationship with the club and us gave him a nice 80% discount for a crash replacement even though he didn't buy his bike from them. Lucky him! 

Expect another workout related post tomorrow! Apparently we're going to go for an extra high intensity brick workout tomorrow morning! 

Some pictures from today
Afternoon session: Supervising the kids on their flying mounts and dismounts. 

Evening session: Briefing them on their main set of the day.

Evening session: Supervising at the mid-point of the bike leg for the kids. A rather failed panorama with artifacts of the mountains.

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